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Miscellaneous : [ light weight constructions | (renewable) energy ]

Vacustruct - Vacuum Isolation

published by: INSTAL Engineering GmbH, 17.02.2015

The research project for this innovative concept is approved now.


My own development targets for my own problem (insulating a greenhouse):
- Solution has to be cheap, otherwise it doesn‘t make sense
- No new physics – only a new perception at the known and unknown solutions
- Use of existing technologies

- I didn‘t find, what I looked for
- I had to develop by my own
- The problem is big enough to be worth the investment of time and money

- It has to be vacuum
- Vacuum pumps have to be part of the solution – the loss of vacuum shouldn‘t be the end of life of a building part
How to reach a (high) vacuum insulation for a big building?
- Take care of the different thermal behaviour of different materials
like for example glass and aluminium
- Use elastomer for the sealing (because of the thermal behaviour of the different materials)
- Two sealings with a „safety vacuum“ between are much better than one

Now - the research project for this innovative concept is approved and can be developed !!


„Das Ganze funktioniert wie eine Thermoskanne: Zwischen zwei Glasscheiben sorgt ein Hochvakuum zusammen mit beweglichen Elementen, die sowohl schattieren als auch Wärmestrahlung reflektieren, für Kälte- und Hitzeschutz", soder Ideengeber für das mehrfach patentierten Vacustruct-System. Dabei mache die doppelte Randabdichtung mit aktivem Schutzvakuum den für die Energiebilanz entscheidenden Unterschied zu anderen Systemen. Einen Ausführlichen Pressebericht finden Sie hier.

Endlich wurde ein Forschungsantrag bewilligt, um diese innovative Idee weiterzuentwickeln !!

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