Benefits of a free membership
As a technical expert and/ or specialiced company you will support to design future innovations. Publish your expert knowledge & inform about interesting news. Network with other experts as a member of this digital innovation- and competence centre. FREE OF CHARGE !!

Publishing of news
Publish fast, easily and for free news and information. Thereby you have the chance of enclosing pictures and YouTube videos. You can adapt your published articles at any times.

Calendar of events
As a free registered member you have the opportunity to register seminars, workshops, fairs or similar events in our calendar of events and to link to other information of your website.

Contact to authors
Please define to every published article, whether it is allowed to enclose a contact form and to which email address the messages will be sent, so that interested parties can contact you directly. Additional the requests will also be saved in your personal member profile.

Social networks
If you want, that your information will be spread, too, over social networks, you can fade in appropriate share-buttons for the popular social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+) for each yours article.

Pool of experts
Do you look for another job in permanent position? Or do you look for a new project? Get a publisher and publish your expertise in our »pool of experts« and attract attention with interesting articles.

Employment market
Members have the opportunity to publish job offers. Because of the distinct orientation of the portal to »Engineering-Topics« the divergence loss is thereby lesser than by classic job exchanges.

Company profile
Introduce your company or present yourself as expert and generate thereby new offers. Members can especially bring out their companies by texts, pictures, logos and links to one of their published topics in the area of companies and institutes.

Authors can introduce their creation and publish articles, dissertations or reference books presentations - if necessary also with a link to the appropriate resources.

Filter functions
All publications will be related to specific topics and languages (at the moment German, English) so that your article can be found more easily.

Sponsored articles
If you want to bring out specific publications especially or call attention to an event or a job offer shortly, you have the opportunity to distinguish your article on the homepage in the area of »sponsored articles« (terms and conditions on request).

Getting a member
Many functions are available with the free basis membership. As a premium member you furthermore profit by variegated presentation and advertising opportunities, an easy knowledge exchange and a faster idea implementation.