
vacustruct® - low vacuum insulation glass building system for greenhouses and daylight buildings

Leichtbau, Verschiedenes

vacustruct® is a low vacuum insulation glass building system for greenhouses and daylight buildings.

08.05.2018, Future Aluminium Forum


Applying Industry 4.0 to the aluminium industry: What does industry 4.0 mean to the future of the aluminium industry and how can it assist in its quest for greater efficiencies?

13.03.2018, Advanced Factories

Fertigung/ Prozesse

Don’t miss the opportunity of being part of the second edition of Advanced Factories, industry’s greatest show regarding machine-tool, robotics, industrial automation, as well as the technology of the Industry 4.0 environment.

AirShaper launches fully automated, virtual wind tunnel

Berechnung/Simulation, Prüf-/Qualitätssicherung, (erneuerbare) Energie, Mobilität, Zertifizierung, Software

#Belgian start-up makes professional aerodynamics accessible

10.04.2019, 11th International Conference Beam Technology


A goal of the conference is to inform decision makers about the current results in research and development and new realizations from the practical conversion in the area of the laser and electron beam technology.

10.10.2018, 4th IIW South – East European Welding Congress and EXPO


Serbian Welding Society in cooperation with Welding associations of Romania and Bulgaria, and with support of the International Institute of Welding - IIW organize the 4th IIW South – East European Welding Congress.



Czech innovative engineering company , focused on Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

08.05.2019, Joining Smart Technologies: Experts with the fingers on the pulse


Ten experts will shed light on digital aspects of joining technology. The conference concentrates on the influence of joining concepts on production in modern automotive engineering.

19.03.2019, European Coatings Show 2019


Trends and technologies covering all aspects of the production of paints, coatings, sealants, construction chemicals and adhesives

28.04.2020, 4th Hybrid Materials and Structures 2020

Leichtbau, Aluminium, Faserverbund/Kunststoffe, Stahl/Werkstoffe allg., Schweiß-/Fügetechnik, Berechnung/Simulation, Guß (Alu/Stahl), Korrosion/Beschichtung, Prüf-/Qualitätssicherung, Bearbeitung/Umformung, Konstruktion, Elektrotechnik, (erneuerbare) Energie, Verschiedenes, Kosten/ Wirtschaftlichkeit, Mobilität, Motor/ Antrieb, Fertigung/ Prozesse, 3D-Druck, Zertifizierung, Software, Instandhaltung

"Hybrid Materials and Structures 2020" covers the entire spectrum of topics, from basic materials to design, from production to application.

26.05.2020, 4th International Symposium on Fatigue Design and Materials Defects 2020

Leichtbau, Aluminium, Stahl/Werkstoffe allg., Schweiß-/Fügetechnik, Guß (Alu/Stahl), Korrosion/Beschichtung, Bearbeitung/Umformung, Konstruktion, Elektrotechnik, Verschiedenes, Mobilität, Motor/ Antrieb, Fertigung/ Prozesse, 3D-Druck, Instandhaltung

The main objectives of the symposium are to improve the understanding of the mechanisms and the impact of defects on structural integrity, and to work out measures to improve the fatigue properties of materials and components.

12.11.2019, Automotive Networks 2019

Elektrotechnik, Verschiedenes, Mobilität

E/E architecture and IVN technologies International conference (in English language) on November 12, 2019 in Garching near Munich Networking evening event on November 11, 2019 with opening of the accompanying exhibition

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