Companies & Experts : [ aluminum | welding/joining technology ]
MIGAL.CO GmbH - your key to perfect welding!
We are the specialists for filler metals from aluminium, copper, stainless steel and nickel.
MIG WELD GmbH International, headquartered in Landau / Isar, will be named MIGAL.CO GmbH as per 1.1.2017. The distribution of the products of MIG WELD SAS, Longvic, as well as all other products and activities will remain unchanged.
MIGAL.CO particularly pays attention to the Aluminium-specific requirements in the storage conditions and this is what makes the difference to competitors. After the arrival of the goods from the manufacturing plant during the cold seasons any formation of water of condensation is prevented. This is reached by a special lock chamber in which the ambient temperature rise into the main ware house can happen slowly.
MIGAL.CO is certainly aware of the special requirements to its products and knows quite well that a sound welding process needs flawless filler metals as well.
In 2008 we erected a new warehouse, which is equipped with floor heating. By this means we are able to achieve a very constant ambient temperature. The heating energy is provided by a heat pump which gives a most environmental friendly solution. MIG WELD certainly knows that sound fabrication can't be achieved without perfect filler metals.
Besides of the self fabricated filler metals from aluminium and copper we also supply filler metals for stainless steels, nickel alloys, as well as the Rolliner and a complete product range related to wire feeding, the surface analyser SMKY 510, and software for welders.
The content of this catalogue, in particular the technical and technological conditions are written according to our best knowledge, however, are in any case without obligation. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
MIGAL.CO GmbH, Wattstraße 2, D-94405 Landau/Isar
Telefon: +49 (0)9951 601230
Fax: +49 (0)9951 601239
Email: info(at)
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