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Calendar of Events : [ aluminum ]

08.05.2018: Future Aluminium Forum

Start of event

Applying Industry 4.0 to the aluminium industry:
What does industry 4.0 mean to the future of the aluminium industry and how can it assist in its quest for greater efficiencies?

Join us at the Future Aluminium Forum in Milan to join this debate, hear from experts and network with solution providers and industry peers.

The Future Aluminium Forum is a live discussion that will examine how Industry 4.0 and ‘smart manufacturing’ will revolutionise aluminium manufacturing and processing and analyse the benefits that can be gained from doing so.

Speakers from academia, across the aluminium value chain and the technology providers will explain key concepts behind the digitalisation of aluminium manufacturing; as well as covering the importance of cyber security, the role of human beings in the factory of the future, autonomous equipment and the all-important process safety and control.

Myths exploded, ideas challenged and terminology explained

With the introduction of the new digital economy, companies across the aluminium value chain are re-imaging their processes, how they manage assets and even how they build lasting customer relationships. For the aluminium industry, specifically, companies are applying Industry 4.0 concepts and big data insights to add value along the entire supply chain from managing production to ensuring the appropriate quality and delivering orders exactly as expected.

As this 'new era' approaches, companies are finding new ways to use data to make smart decisions, allowing them to meet industry regulations while simultaneously saving money through more efficient operations and increasing customer satisfaction. This is just the beginning.

The Forum will provide a platform for a discussion on how and where Industry 4.0 will be applied across the aluminium value chain and the impacts.

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